With over 60 years of experience in the water treatment, Akdolit® is the Lhoist Group's worldwide brand for products and services for the treatment of drinking and process water.


Little guy drinking water in a bottle
Akdolit deliveries all over the world

Akdolit® deliveries all over the world

6 000 BN liters

treated world wide

with our Akdolit® products

Labo Water Sludge

Our Akdolit® expertise

We provide comprehensive application-specific advice for every stage in the water treatment plant with emphasis on stabilisation and filtration using selected Akdolit® filter materials.

Find out more about our expertise

Our Akdolit® Technical Sales Service

Water treatment audit 

In the AWA water treatment audit, we carefully check the functionality of each water treatment step. It includes as well a check of the filter backwashing. Based on the results, we provide optimization recommendations, and we support you in their implementation. We also propose individual training programs for your team.

Filter Design 

Lhoist remains at your side for the design, commissioning and the modernization of your water plant. Our technical department offers studies and modeling to size and optimize your filter according to your raw water quality and your operating conditions. Mixed water calculations and corrosion evaluations complete this service.

Our water partner: the AWA-Institut

The AWA-Institut is a private independent laboratory with more than 50 years of experience in water and filter material analysis, applied water chemistry, and process engineering for water treatment.

The AWA-Institut is accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 and officially recognized as an independent testing laboratory.

Go to AWA Institut


experience in water treatment and filter media


International customers


benefit from our technical and analytical support

Akdolit® is a registered trademark of S.A. Lhoist Recherche et Développement.

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